Thursday 10 December 2015

The Five Types of Relationships to Avoid

The five types of people to avoid being in relationships with and of course there are more, but these are the common types. If you’re currently in a relationship with these types of people, please distance yourself from them as far as possible because all they’re going to do is bring you down in the end.

 Here are the lists as follows:
These are the people who no matter if you give them world they are still going to be in love with their ex. And 9 out of 10 times if the chance ever presented itself for them to be back with their ex, they’re going to do it. This means that no matter how hard you try, you will never get them to see you are the one for them. The only way for that person to truly be able to see you are the one, is if they cut all emotional ties to their ex completely. This is something that should take place prior to them ever agreeing to be with you. If a person agrees to start a relationship with you, especially after knowing that they’re still in love with somebody else, then you need to realize that you’re being used. The reason you’re being used is because it’s a cover up for a deeper issue and you need to let them go so that they can begin to work on themselves. Remember, it is not your job to make them happy, that is their own personal responsibility they owe to themselves. Just like it’s your own personal responsibility to make yourself happy.

The Users/Takers:

These are the people who have never given to the relationship and if they are its very minimal. Most people say that relationships need to be 50/50, but I want to, you challenge you and say that all relationships need to be 100/100. Each person needs to be willing to give their all to the relationship to make it work. If one party does all the work, while the other is simply around collecting what they feel is owed to them then it will never work. Because eventually the person who is doing all the giving is going to end up feeling depleted and worn out and once that happens, you are going to be nothing but an empty shell. Once your partner sees that you don’t value yourself, then they’re going to lose all value for you and will try to take advantage of you at every turn, so watch outThe Abusers:
We all know that abuse comes in many forms, such as physical, mental, emotional, and verbal abuse. So, by all means if you are talking to someone who is exhibiting any signs of being abused, such as threatening you or your loved ones, they’re emotionally and mentally degrading you, extremely jealous to the point they harm you or another person, co-dependent, etc. you need to get out now, it’s never going to change no matter how many promises are given. The person who is abusive needs help period! Not the type of help you can give. I mean they need serious psychological help. People who are abusive are extremely dangerous and the situation you’re in can turn into something really deadly really fast. So, remember to always be careful! Stay Alert! Keep your eyes open for any of these signs and get away as soon as possible.

Materialistic / Image People:

These people are mainly with you because of your perceived image. They truly have no interest in getting to know you for who you are as a person; they are more concerned with what you bring to the table aesthetically (meaning money, power, and status). Once that look becomes old or your image becomes tarnished they are on the next train to something new and exciting. Definitely look out for these gold digging types!

$ex Partner:

Now by all means I am not saying that you can’t eventually catch feelings for the person you’re sleeping with and later on you guys decide to be together. However, what I am saying is that if you give yourself up on the first date or if all you establish is a physical connection without first establishing a solid foundation based upon an emotional connection then the relationship is bound to fail. Anything that is easily obtained isn’t worth having or keeping for that matter. On top of that, the relationship won’t last because there was nothing to ever truly aspire to. Just some food for thought, so the next time you want to immediately hop in the sack with someone make sure you are absolutely sure that’s the route you want to take and you won’t have any regrets in the end.
But overall, when it comes to relationships, always make sure your number one team player is ok, i.e. yourself. Always remember that self-love is always the best love that you could ever give yourself and without first loving yourself no one will ever be able to love you in return. If you have ever dealt with any of these types of people or have ever been or currently are one of these types of people. You really need to do some deep soul searching and ask yourself, do I truly love and place any amount of value on myself. If you don’t place any value upon yourself, then you need to take steps to change that. But remember, no one can do it but you!

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