Monday 18 January 2016

5 Things Every Student Must Bear In Mind Before Graduation (A Must Read)

As a student, it is possible you are thinking that getting a good grade is all that matters (because that’s what you have been made to believe). So you work hard, put in the needed effort just to see that you achieve that. Well, that’s good but what you may not know is that getting a formal education is different from getting a life.

I know you are planning to get a good job and have a successful life. The thing is that, for you to achieve that, you have to face the real world. It will test you. This kind of test is different from the one you take in school. As you may not have learnt much about the real world. I want to point out here 5 things every student must bear in mind before your graduation.

1. A Good Degree Does Not Guarantee A Good Job, Your Brain And Skills Do

To get a degree certificate is good but gone are the days when jobs will be waiting for you the moment you leave school as a graduate. What matters in the job market today is what you can offer; what you can do.

There are thousands of unemployed people with same level of degree that you have. What do you think that will differentiate you and give you the needed edge, if not your skills and your ability to think and solve issues? You never can tell, that skill you consider menial can earn you more than your degree and certificate could possibly earned you. I have a pretty long list of people who aren’t employed or earning a dime with their certificates but are fully employed and earning big with one skill or the other they picked up along the line.

Look out for practical skills in your field of discipline and learn all you can. It does not even have to be just in your area of discipline. Believe me, in the real world you need the hard skills (e.g Proficiency in a foreign language, Computer programming etc) as well as the soft skills (e.g Communication, Time Management, Team work etc) to succeed.

2. Your “A”s in School Will Not Necessarily Translate To Success In The Real World

Robert Kiyosaki (one of the world’s richest entrepreneurs) once told a story about what happened during his senior year in high school. He and one of his close friends named Mike were lined up in front of a small group of students made up primarily of the leaders (bright students) of their class. Their guidance counselor turned to him and Mike and said, “The two of you will never amount to anything,” primarily because they were doing terribly poor academically.

Few years after graduation Robert and Mike went for their High School Reunion and Guess what? the so called class leaders were still struggling and had not become successful in the years after high school. Where as Robert and his friend, Mike are already successful big time entrepreneurs.

Success in life is a product of the application of success principles. And unfortunately they don’t teach you that in school. You need to self-educate yourself on that. Go beyond pursuing good grades and take time to develop yourself. Never run from what you need to learn. Learn and apply the principles of success (they are universal) in all you do and you will succeed.

3. Who You Know Is As Important As What You know

What you know may be enough to get you through school. However, in the real world, who you know is as important as what you know. Now, don’t get it twisted. I am not trying to say that without connections, you will not be successful and live the good life you dream of. I am only saying that with the right connections the process would be easier and shorter. Therefore you need to build and maintain the right connections and learn to leverage on them when need be. So have it in mind that your skills and knowledge are important but then so are the people you know. Bottom line: The two are important to your success.

4. One Of The Most Important Things You Need To Manage Well Is Money

In the real world Money is an important tool. It’s going to feed you, puts clothes on your back, and puts a roof over your head. You may not really know the value of money probably because you have always received it from friends and family without really working for it.

Yeah, you have that privilege now but you won’t in the nearest future. If you do not learn how to manage it now you may likely end up broke and in debt when you face the real world and trust me, it won’t be funny at all.

When it comes to managing money I have three rules for you: Save it! Invest it! Multiply it!

5. True Success Does Not Happen In A Flash

True Success is not by accident. It involves process. It is an accumulation of certain habits and principles practiced within a stretch of time. The road to true success is often bumpy. It takes time. Little wonder many usually try to use a “shortcut” by getting involved in shady lifestyles. That will only be counter-productive
in the long run. The only way I know to hasten success is to have a PHD. I guess you are wondering what that means? Well, it simply means Passion, Hunger and Drive. And don’t equally forget to put God at the center of it all.

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