Wednesday 20 April 2016

Furious University Students Str!p Half-naakeed to Protest Ra-pe (Photos)

University students have gone totally whack as they turned out massively en mass to protest n*ked over the school management stance on r*pe.

Angry Rhodes University students stripped n*ked to protest the failure by their school authority to protect them from r*pe.
According to reports, the protest began on Sunday, when a group of students delivered a list of demands to the university’s management and immediate changes to the current $exual assault policy at the university.
“These include a change of the definition of r*pe to include those who are forced to penetrate another as well as to change the policy which currently requires victims to prove that their perpetrators intended to r*pe them,” said their statement of demands.
Also, they want all those in the school charged with r*pe to be suspended from residences. On Sunday, the students gave management a list of 11 names of people they allege are guilty of r*pe and $exual assault. The list, called #RUReferenceList, quickly spread through social media yesterday.
The gatvol protestors went into residences hunting for the alleged rapists. But many have been upset about the publication of the list, since those named have not been found guilty. Vice Chancellor Sizwe Mabizela pleaded for the privacy of the alleged rapists to be protected.
However, the protesters were dislodged by the police who sprayed teargas and pepper spray at them. Many of the students were arrested and taken away by the police.

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