Friday 3 June 2016

5 Major Prom5 Major Promises That A Man May Never Be Able To Keep

Love is beautiful I must say; nothing beats the feeling of
meeting someone new and falling heads over heels in love
with the 5 Major Promises That A Man May Never Be Able To Keep
With His Girlfriend

Many people describe the feeling as exceptional while some
record having butterflies in their stomach when they are
newly in love. Many people feel this way for the rest of their
lives while some hate to remember having to fall in love in
the first place.

It would be good for yo to known the promises men make
and break so that your expectations are not cut short. Find
below some of these promises of love:
1. I will provide all your needs
Men often say this to women to make them feel
comfortable about settling down with her. Women ordinarily
would not walk into poverty with their eyes opened and
would prefer to date men who can provide them financial
As a woman, if you go into a marriage with the aim of
having all your needs met, it is possible you lose the passion
for that marriage as soon as the man disappoints you.
Things could change for the man and he may not be as
financially buoyant as he used to be. If you dwell on the
promises of a man in this regard, you will be disappointed. It
is only God that is all sufficient.
2. I will always be with you
Many men say this even though we know it is not possible.
A man cannot be with you always because he has a life too.
He would be busy at one point or the other trying to fix
things in his life or trying to provide for the family.
It would be selfish to hold the men to their words on this.
The most important thing is to understand each other and
try as much as possible to be faithful to your partner even
when you are apart.
3. I will never hurt you
Please, for the love of God do not take this promise very
serious. It is quite impossible for you not to be hurt in a
relationship or marriage. The most important thing to note
here is to be willing to forgive your partner and move on.
He is not perfect after all and you it would be near
impossible for him not to hurt you with his words or actions
at one point of the other. Promises like this will only make
you hurth the more when you remember them.
4. I will never cheat on you
Oh please! Not every man has the tenacity to withstand the
temptation out there. Most men end up cheat*ng on their
partners as a result of boredom or just for the fun of it. Men
would always be men; while they are trying so hard to keep
their promises to you, there are some ladies who get excited
running after other women’s men.
It would be nice for you to zero your mind when it comes to
this promise, do the best you can and lay down some rules
that would protect you in that union in case that happens.
Remember men remain $exually active for as long as
possible when women are worn out and retired from $exual
5. I will do eve
the first place.
So when things are going on well, the men would promise
heaven and earth and would make you fly on cloud nine. No
one is trying to label the men as being evil but then, there
are certain promises they make that you should know they
would never keep.
It could be reassuring hearing the men say all these
promises at the start of the relationship but that is as far as
it goes. They are merely words they say to make the
women feel good about themselves but these words do not
go very far in the relationship as you are bound to see their
flaws. Some break the promises they make as soon as the
words leave their lips.
It would be good for you to known the promises men make
and break so that your expectations are not cut short. Find
below some of these promises of love:
1. I will provide all your needs
Men often say this to women to make them feel
comfortable about settling down with her. Women ordinarily
would not walk into poverty with their eyes opened and
would prefer to date men who can provide them financial
As a woman, if you go into a marriage with the aim of
having all your needs met, it is possible you lose the passion
for that marriage as soon as the man disappoints you.
Things could change for the man and he may not be as
financially buoyant as he used to be. If you dwell on the
promises of a man in this regard, you will be disappointed. It
is only God that is all sufficient.
2. I will always be with you
Many men say this even though we know it is not possible.
A man cannot be with you always because he has a life too.
He would be busy at one point or the other trying to fix
things in his life or trying to provide for the family.
It would be selfish to hold the men to their words on this.
The most important thing is to understand each other and
try as much as possible to be faithful to your partner even
when you are apart.
3. I will never hurt you
Please, for the love of God do not take this promise very
serious. It is quite impossible for you not to be hurt in a
relationship or marriage. The most important thing to note
here is to be willing to forgive your partner and move on.
He is not perfect after all and you it would be near
impossible for him not to hurt you with his words or actions
at one point of the other. Promises like this will only make
you hurth the more when you remember them.
4. I will never cheat on you
Oh please! Not every man has the tenacity to withstand the
temptation out there. Most men end up cheat*ng on their
partners as a result of boredom or just for the fun of it. Men
would always be men; while they are trying so hard to keep
their promises to you, there are some ladies who get excited
running after other women’s men.
It would be nice for you to zero your mind when it comes to
this promise, do the best you can and lay down some rules
that would protect you in that union in case that happens.
Remember men remain $exually active for as long as
possible when women are worn out and retired from $exual
5. I will do everything for you
When a man makes a promise like this, he means he would
try doing what he could when it comes to your affairs. Do
not ever think that a man would do everything for you; you
should be able to do certain things for yourself too since
you are not handicapped.
Knowing this at the back of your mind would help you get
through life as you would not be disappointed when he
breaks this promise.ises That A Man May Never Be Able To Keep
With His Girlfriend
Love is beautiful I must say; nothing beats the feeling of
meeting someone new and falling heads over heels in love
with the person.
Many people describe the feeling as exceptional while some
record having butterflies in their stomach when they are
newly in love. Many people feel this way for the rest of their
lives while some hate to remember having to fall in love in
the first place.
So when things are going on well, the men would promise
heaven and earth and would make you fly on cloud nine. No
one is trying to label the men as being evil but then, there
are certain promises they make that you should know they
would never keep.
It could be reassuring hearing the men say all these
promises at the start of the relationship but that is as far as
it goes. They are merely words they say to make the
women feel good about themselves but these words do not
go very far in the relationship as you are bound to see their
flaws. Some break the promises they make as soon as the
words leave their lips.
It would be good for you to known the promises men make
and break so that your expectations are not cut short. Find
below some of these promises of love:
1. I will provide all your needs
Men often say this to women to make them feel
comfortable about settling down with her. Women ordinarily
would not walk into poverty with their eyes opened and
would prefer to date men who can provide them financial
As a woman, if you go into a marriage with the aim of
having all your needs met, it is possible you lose the passion
for that marriage as soon as the man disappoints you.
Things could change for the man and he may not be as
financially buoyant as he used to be. If you dwell on the
promises of a man in this regard, you will be disappointed. It
is only God that is all sufficient.
2. I will always be with you
Many men say this even though we know it is not possible.
A man cannot be with you always because he has a life too.
He would be busy at one point or the other trying to fix
things in his life or trying to provide for the family.
It would be selfish to hold the men to their words on this.
The most important thing is to understand each other and
try as much as possible to be faithful to your partner even
when you are apart.
3. I will never hurt you
Please, for the love of God do not take this promise very
serious. It is quite impossible for you not to be hurt in a
relationship or marriage. The most important thing to note
here is to be willing to forgive your partner and move on.
He is not perfect after all and you it would be near
impossible for him not to hurt you with his words or actions
at one point of the other. Promises like this will only make
you hurth the more when you remember them.
4. I will never cheat on you
Oh please! Not every man has the tenacity to withstand the
temptation out there. Most men end up cheat*ng on their
partners as a result of boredom or just for the fun of it. Men
would always be men; while they are trying so hard to keep
their promises to you, there are some ladies who get excited
running after other women’s men.
It would be nice for you to zero your mind when it comes to
this promise, do the best you can and lay down some rules
that would protect you in that union in case that happens.
Remember men remain $exually active for as long as
possible when women are worn out and retired from $exual
5. I will do everything for you
When a man makes a promise like this, he means he would
try doing what he could when it comes to your affairs. Do
not ever think that a man would do everything for you; you
should be able to do certain things for yourself too since
you are not handicapped.
Knowing this at the back of your mind would help you get
through life as you would not be disappointed when he
breaks this promise.

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