Thursday 9 July 2015


This write-up focuses on the things novena girls do, or how they act when they are no longer virgins (though you might call this generalization)
Just sit down, relax and read meticulously

10 Ways Ladies Behave When They Are No Longer Virgins

1. They Are Quick To Anger When Asked if They Are Virgins
You heard me right.. My research and findings have shown that non virgin ladies are very quick to anger if you inquire about their sexual lives. The virgin ladies will just smile and keep quiet when asked; but to the non virgin ladies, they will flare up and will embarrass you. You will hear something like, is it your business if I’m a virgin or not?

2. They Become Moody
Don’t get me wrong because I’m not trying to say that a lady who suddenly becomes moody has lost her virginity, but all I’m trying to say is that, when a lady just recently lost her virginity, she becomes incessantly quiet for a few days. She may lock herself up in her room probably because she has something up her sleeves

3. They Pick Quarrel At The Mention Of The Word “Virginity”
You heard me right. I have noticed that many non virgin ladies are usually uncomfortable when you place so much emphasis on virginity. However, it’s either they verbally attack you, or they tell you that you are still immature and really need some maturing to do

4. She Becomes Outspoken On s*x Discussion
Many virgin ladies tend to be quiet when people discuss s*x (though not in all cases). However, she used to be very timid before when she was still a virgin, but when she’s no longer one, she may not be shy to take part and expressly air her views when s*x topics arise

5. She Hovers Around Lecturers’ Offices
I’m a living witness of this. As a student, I have seen female students hovering at lecturers’ offices even when they have been told that people avoid the lecturers because they are known for sleeping with students. These ladies are like will even mingle these lectures, under the cloak of “I only often go to his office see him and nothing more”. *if I hear*

6. They Live a Life Of “Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover
Yes it’s true that we should never judge a book by its cover, but it’s paramount to also know that the world is fast evolving into a different thing entirely. Despite the fact that one’s appearance is the first letter of recommendation; virgin ladies mostly tend to maintain their natural look and worry less about perishable parameter they call make-ups ; but the non virgin ladies on the other hand may spend eternity in the cosmetics shops painting their faces just as we used to pain apples and yams on our drawing book when in we were KG classes. However, they wear waist chain and won’t be shy to flash it when on okada. This is done to attract various species of guys. The chances of a virgin lady doing this is very slim

7. They Mostly Scam Guys
Yes many virgin ladies are usually very proud and tend to hold themselves in dignity. A guy will have to pester her on a date before she finally agrees; but a non virgin ladies on the other hand will not be shy to bring gangs of friends along with her even without even informing you. This is a bid to eat your money 😀

8. They Upload Boobs/Buttocks Revealing DPs
In my personal belief, I have come to conclusion that the chance of ladies who upload boobs and buttocks reveal pictures on social networks is likened to Ayo Fasoye chances of winning a presidential election in Nigeria. However, the non virgin ladies on the other hand will certainly not do that poo

9. Mc carthy/swag city addiction
Novena girls who are no longer virgins will start partying and having fun at mc carthy beach. This habit mit go on until it leads to addiction. Some will start traveling on weekends with the excuse that school is boring. Go read your book joor.

10. They Will Rain Curses On Me
You heard me right. For a write-up like this, they will storm on this thread and rain curses on me. They will tag me a misogynist and will try give justify their acts


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