Sunday 7 June 2015

Public Smoking Should Be Banned In Nigeria.

novenavibes suggest public smoking ban should be imposed in Nigeria claiming “smokers should only be allowed to do their thing within the boundaries of their rooms”.

Story highlights:
– “Health experts have asserted that the health risk of passive smoking is even more than that of direct smoking”.
– “About 2.5million adult non-smokers have died of passive smoking-caused diseases in the USA since 1964″.
– “The popular Nigerian saying “chop alone and die alone” should be applied as far as smoking is concerned”.
– “Since smokers have decided to send an open invitation to death, they should therefore be allowed to die alone without jeopardizing the health of other Nigerians”.
The Federal Ministry of Health has made remarkable success in its anti-smoking campaign by enforcing all tobacco companies in Nigeria to use the phrase “smokers are liable to die young” in advertisements and put it on the product itself. However, the harmful effect of passive smoking has not yet received any serious attention from the government or any relevant agency. Meanwhile, health experts have asserted that the health risk of passive smoking is even more than that of direct smoking.
Due to the lack of credible statistics from Nigeria I will refer to that of the USA. According to the American Cancer Society, secondhand smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals. Hundreds of them are toxic and about 70 can cause cancer. About 2.5million adult non-smokers have died of passive smoking-caused diseases since 1964. Passive smoking causes numerous health problems to children including more frequent and severe asthma attacks, respiratory infections, ear infections and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Inhaling secondhand smoke during pregnancy results in more than 1000 infant deaths annually.
Constant exposure to passive smoking has immediate adverse effect on the cardiovascular system and causes coronary heart disease and stroke. In the United States it causes nearly 34,000 premature deaths from heart disease among non-smokers each year. Innocent people who are exposed to passive smoking at home and at work increase their risk for stroke by 20 to 30 percent as passive smoking causes more than 8,000 deaths from stroke annually. Inhalation of secondhand smoke does harm to blood and blood vessels thereby increasing the risk of heart attack. It interferes with the normal functioning of the heart, blood and the rest of the vascular system. Even a brief exposure to secondhand smoke can damage the lining of the blood vessels and cause platelets to become stickier which could result into a heart attack. People who already have heart disease are at especially high risk of suffering adverse effect from breathing secondhand smoke and therefore should take special precautions.
Diseases like lung cancer may also be caused by passive smoking  because non-smokers inhale many of the same cancer causing substances and poisons as smokers. Studies show that the children whose parent smoke get sick more often, their lungs are less developed, and they get bronchitis and pneumonia more often than the children whose parents don’t smoke. Wheezing and coughing, pediatric asthma and ear infections are prominent with the kids whose parents smoke.
The popular Nigerian saying “chop alone and die alone” should be applied as far as smoking is concerned. It is morally wrong and socially unfair for some persons to continue “enjoying” smoking while others die as a result of breathing secondhand smoke. Hence, there is the need for the Federal Ministry of Health and other relevant agencies to brace up to the challenge of protecting our right to free and fresh air. As a matter of urgent importance, the federal government should liaise with the National Assembly to prohibit public smoking like it has already been done in the Netherland and most of the states in the USA. The step taken by Lagos state government is a bold one, and the same should be replicated by the federal government.
All categories of schools, hospitals, market places, shopping malls and eateries, airport and motor parks, all religious, political and social gatherings should be the places where smoking is prohibited. The law enforcement agents should be adequately trained and empowered by law to apprehend and prosecute offenders accordingly. Public smoking remains one of the greatest crimes of (an ignorant) man’s inhumanity to his fellow men. Smokers should only be allowed to do their thing within the boundaries of their rooms. Since they have decided to send an open invitation to death, they should therefore be allowed to die alone without jeopardizing the health of other Nigerians. The next time someone smokes close to you, run! Run for your dear life.

Some Things That Could Change The Way He Feels About You

The first few dates might have been phenomenal. The first few months might have been like living on cloud 9. The first all night phone call might have felt effortless until some random moment when you suddenly lost the connection. What are these little things that can be major game changers for a guy? Here are 7 behaviors that tell a man a lot about you, and can sometimes surprise him. 
1. Becoming insecure
Are you weird? Do you have bizarre habits? Are you annoying sometimes? Probably. But, who isn’t?? The problem occurs when you become insecure about your quirkiness. If you follow up every thing you do and say with “is that weird of me?” and “do you think I’m totally crazy” a man will sense you are not comfortable with who you are. Typically, early on in the dating process, men make more of an effort to tell you how cute the “weird” things you do are. When they stop telling you, it’s not because they don’t find it cute—it’s because they think you already know and are comfortable with it. So, if you just did something you know was totally batShyte nuts and he doesn’t say anything, keep your poker face. He will respect you for it.
2. Knowing about your exes
We’ve all dated people we’ve been embarrassed by. Someone super clingy who wrote us 100 love letters. Someone who is notorious for being an a**hole to the whole world, but was sweet to us. Someone who made us take professional black and white portraits as a couple on the beach. Your current guy doesn’t need to know the odd details of your exes. He might judge you (even though he’s surely dated some oddballs in his day) and question your taste. Meanwhile, you know there’s nothing wrong with you: you fell for who you fell for.
3. How you talk to your parents
Ever been in the presence of people fighting in public and it’s really awkward for everyone around? Guess what: those people don’t usually even realize they are being inappropriate. They are just so used to talking to each other that way. Before you bring your man around your parents or really any family members, analyze how you typically speak to those family members. You might be the sweetest person, but if you are noticeably mean or cold to your parents, your man might change his opinion of you. (Disclaimer—we all get a little nuts around our family and it is totally disconnected from who we are in the rest of our lives…but your man might not realize that).
4. Seeing your home
Your home is a representation of who you are! Like it or not—even if you haven’t decorated at all, that in and of itself tells a guy something about you. Bringing a guy back to your pristinely clean/hit by a hurricane mess/covered in porcelain trinkets/whatever it may be home gives a guy a whole new perspective on you. If you’re working on being a different type of person but your home just doesn’t reflect that yet, try to do a little re-arranging and cleaning before you bring the guy over.
5. How you are in bed
The most timid woman can be an animal in bed. The most dominant woman can be submissive in bed. A lot of us allow certain sides of ourselves to come out only during s*x—it’s an outlet for whatever traits we think we can’t show in our every day lives. Men pick up on those traits during s*x.
6. How you handle stress
The first few weeks and even months of dating are great! Every time you are with your man, it’s like a mini vacation. You put your worries aside. The guy is a part of your fun time. But, it’s only sustainable for so long not to bring up the issues of life. If you become easily irritated, noticeably angry, aggressive, or even bottle up your emotions about big things, your man will notice that. And it’s a whole new element he hasn’t seen before because before, you didn’t bring up the stressful stuff.
7. How you eat
Do you ask a lot of questions about your food? Do you get tons of things on the side? Do you need to know what’s on a menu before you go to the restaurant? Do you let the waiter surprise you? Do you need to eat at a certain time? Men actually analyze the way women eat a lot. To them, it’s an indicator of how laid back you are, how comfortable you are with yourself and how open you are to new experiences
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